Special Message
Regarding the Recent Global Computer Outage
Recent events have shown that the world's services rely on a fragile IT infrastructure. Health, commerce, transportation, emergency responders, oil and gas, financial markets, military, and others all depend upon a handful of critical computing technology providers to carry out their mission that enables us to live enjoyable and productive lives.
The events in recent days have revealed this fragile IT interconnectedness. A well meaning but flawed software update was the initial cause of the outage, but the reason that many services are still down, travelers are stranded, even television stations have gone off air, is because of the difficulty of recovering from the outage.
We want to make it clear that we do not fault the vendor for this fragility. This could have happened to anyone. The next time it happens, though, can we be better prepared to recover the world's IT functionality?
That's where Cyntegra comes in. We are not a security solution, we are not an antivirus solution, we are not technically a backup solution. We are a recovery solution. We do one thing, and do it well.
A system protected by Cyntegra would have been able to be recovered to the pre-patch update version, using a local image that works without network connectivity and without relying on the host operating system. The solution is simple and safe. It can be operated by people without any IT skills or experience. It can recover in minutes.
When it recovers, it brings back absolutely everything in the system that existed prior to the disastrous event that took place, including system executable files, user data, passwords, custom configurations, device drivers, network addresses, even files in the trashcan.
Had even a fraction of the IT systems been using our solution, many thousands of travelers, many banks, hospitals, emergency responders would have come back on almost immediately, to a point perhaps where this event would not have made the front page news.
We understand that software is very tricky. We understand that the vendor software in this case is valuable to security, defending against threats from really bad actors. But we also know that even the best of intentions can sometimes go horribly wrong.
Contact us to see how you can add Cyntegra recovery to your systems as an added layer of resiliency. With Cyntegra, recovery is only minutes away. Fast, local, complete.